Custom Shoes

Choose among the best leathers and fabrics, and create the shoe you had in mind. Guaranteed perfect, comfortable fit.

from $250

What Our Customers Say on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Attention to detail. Eduardo never hurried or compromised in creating the best suits I have ever owned. Spent time seeking what was important to me and found the best patterns. ( I’m a big man) to compliment my build. Great investment and well worth the effort to have a fitting. I will be back and can recommend highly and without reservations."

-Dirk Sanderson

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Eduardo is a combination of a stylish dresser and a good friend. I enjoy spending time with him as he helps me explore and design the perfect jackets, pants and shirts for me. He is a perfectionist. My jacket is one-of-a-kind and exquisite. The fit of the jacket, the pants, and the shirt are spot on and carefully made from beautiful fabrics."

-Allan Jones